Contact Us
We want to hear from you
Got a question? Whether you're an existing home owner or looking into buying a new home through Platform Home Ownership, our team are here to help. Get in touch with us today.
New Sales Enquires
Our Sales Consultants are available: Monday - Friday | 9am - 5pm.
At all other times, please leave a message.
When calling Platform, press Option 2 followed by Option 2.
0333 200 7304 To speak to our Sales Consultants
Staircasing & Resales Enquiries
Our Staircasing & Resale advisors are available: Monday - Friday | 9am to 5pm.
At all other times, please leave a message.
When calling Platform, press Option 2 followed by Option 3.
0333 200 7304 To speak to our Staircasing & Resales Team
Got Feedback For Us?
We're always looking to improve our services and your feedback is invaluable in helping us achieve this. If you'd like to leave some feedback, here's the place to do it.
Get In Touch
Contact Platform Housing Group
For queries regarding renting through Platform, please get in touch
0333 200 7304 To speak to a member of the team